Daily deliveries of Flowers, Roses and Gifts are made to the following: SRS Badge Office and Savannah River Research Park.
FULL SERVICE FLORIST Experienced Wedding & Funeral Specialist. Our goal is to deliver quality service to every customer, every day! Serving New Ellenton, Jackson, Graniteville, Langley, Beech Island and Williston all in South Carolina. We are a locally owned and operated florist. Corporate accounts welcome.
Our shop opened in its current location in August 2001. We are located in the Old Post Office Building which was originally built in 1955. We restored the building the to fit a more modern time. Our shop is located adjacent to the New Ellenton, SC City Hall. We are a proud member of the Greater Aiken Chamber of Commerce. We are a Full Service Florist serving the New Ellenton Community and the Greater Aiken Area.. We also service the SRS Badge Office and The Savannah River Research Park.
Daily deliveries of Flowers, Roses and Gifts are made to the following: SRS Badge Office and Savannah River Research Park.
FULL SERVICE FLORIST Experienced Wedding & Funeral Specialist. Our goal is to deliver quality service to every customer, every day! Serving New Ellenton, Jackson, Graniteville, Langley, Beech Island and Williston all in South Carolina. We are a locally owned and operated florist. Corporate accounts welcome.
Our shop opened in its current location in August 2001. We are located in the Old Post Office Building which was originally built in 1955. We restored the building the to fit a more modern time. Our shop is located adjacent to the New Ellenton, SC City Hall. We are a proud member of the Greater Aiken Chamber of Commerce. We are a Full Service Florist serving the New Ellenton Community and the Greater Aiken Area.. We also service the SRS Badge Office and The Savannah River Research Park.